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commercial court of arbitration

См. также в других словарях:

  • Commercial Court (England and Wales) — The Commercial Court is a sub division of the Queen s Bench Division of the High Court of Justice, the major civil court in England. It is based in the Royal Courts of Justice. The High Court is split into three divisions. The Family Division… …   Wikipedia

  • International Court of Arbitration — The International Court of Arbitration is an institution for the resolution of international commercial disputes. The International Court of Arbitration is part of the International Chamber of Commerce. There are an increasing number of cases… …   Wikipedia

  • Supreme Court of Arbitration of the Russian Federation — The Supreme Court of Arbitration of the Russian Federation is the court of final instance in commercial disputes in Russia. Additionally, it supervises the work of lower courts of arbitration and gives interpretation of laws and elucidations… …   Wikipedia

  • Arbitration in the United States of America — Arbitration, in the context of United States law, is a form of alternative dispute resolution mdash; specifically, a legal alternative to litigation whereby the parties to a dispute agree to submit their respective positions (through agreement or …   Wikipedia

  • arbitration — arbitrational, adj. arbitrationist, n. /ahr bi tray sheuhn/, n. 1. the hearing and determining of a dispute or the settling of differences between parties by a person or persons chosen or agreed to by them: Rather than risk a long strike, the… …   Universalium

  • Arbitration — Not to be confused with Arbitrage. For Wikipedia s arbitration policy, see Wikipedia:Arbitration/Policy …   Wikipedia

  • Arbitration award — An arbitration award (or arbitral award) is a determination on the merits by an arbitration tribunal in an arbitration, and is analogous to a judgment in a court of law. It is referred to as an award even where all of the claimant s claims fail… …   Wikipedia

  • Arbitration clause — Contract law Part o …   Wikipedia

  • Arbitration Court at St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry — The Arbitration Court is an independent permanent court under the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Russia.The Arbitration Court is engaged in settlement of economic disputes on civil matters, those to be referred to arbitration… …   Wikipedia

  • court — /kawrt, kohrt/, n. 1. Law. a. a place where justice is administered. b. a judicial tribunal duly constituted for the hearing and determination of cases. c. a session of a judicial assembly. 2. an area open to the sky and mostly or entirely… …   Universalium

  • Court — /kawrt, kohrt/, n. Margaret Smith, born 1942, Australian tennis player. * * * I In architecture, an outdoor room surrounded by buildings or walls. Courts have existed in all civilizations from the earliest recorded times. The small garden court… …   Universalium

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